How to know if a succulent plant is overwatered or underwatered?

How to know if a succulent plant is overwatered or underwatered?

Underwatering vs overwatering… How to identify?


Symptoms: Wrinkled leaves and bottom leaves drying up quickly

  • Soak plants in a water level that reaches about half of the pot for about 15mins. Besides, compact soil may also lead to poor water absorption of the plants. In this case, repot the plants and give them new soil :) Try adding top dressing stones to slow down soil compaction

  • Overwatering

    Symptoms: Leaves may burst due to overly absorbing the water provided
    Roots may start to rot after being soaked in water for a very long period of time. In this case, we have no choice but to remove the rotten roots and replant the stem cutting it into new soil. 

    • Overwatering may put your plant at a higher risk since you can’t undo overwatering… hence, putting enough care into watering is essential in growing healthy succulents!