Transformation of the imported Echeveria Madiba

Transformation of the imported Echeveria Madiba

Got this imported Echeveria Madiba which was sold at very high value back in months ago💛 This is a new hybrid species originated from China and then we planted this piece and added it as our new collection! 😍

When we first got this piece the color was dull, and leaves are all droopy due to insufficient sunlight during delivery period. We planted it into a pot that is just about the same size as it is using our LES Formula Succulent Soil, and then we didn’t water for the first week. Placed it somewhere with bright indirect sun only for it to adapt to new environment. Second week after, we start water a little bit on soil and start to expose it to more sunlight (we actually used UV growlight in our studio to imitate sunlight, that is what we do when we are unable to have sunlight indoors😉) and then the colors of it start to change! The second watering was only done on the fourth week, and look at how gorgeous it looks now!😍

If you ask me is planting succulent difficult?… I would say basically no effort is required if you place it at the right spot and use the right soil. I only watered 2 times in the past month, and spend perhaps 3 minutes each week to record its growth… 😂 And if to compare, I think I spent more time and effort in taking video of it instead of taking care of it😜

*this species is available in our KL store too!

#littleedensucculents #littleedensucculentstips