It’s Spider Plant in a terrarium😍 Spider plants love good draining soil that is moist but not wet. They like bright diffused sunlight only which makes them a good choice for indoor deco piece.
Some of you were asking for an indoor piece with different colors, yet generally plants that are able to tolerate indoor low light situation are usually having green foliage.
Succulents in red, pink, purple color are not having too much chlorophyll in their foliage, hence they usually require more sunlight to go through photosynthesis and generate food. That’s why we will never recommend colorful succulents to be placed totally indoor. On the other hand, indoor plants with green foliage are having rich chlorophyll which allows the plants to generate food even in low light condition, and that’s why they make good indoor deco piece.
If you’re looking for an indoor piece to be put on working desk/study table which is not near to a window, start from indoor plants instead😉