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Plant Shop in KL & PJ: Potted Plants, Delivery & Gifts

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We are Malaysia's 1st succulent terrarium specialist since 2016. We hope to spread love, joy and warmth to all who come see our artwork, or receive plant terrarium gifts made by us with care. We want to create a space for people to engage with plants; to not just watch the plants grow but also grow with them.

Our founder discovered growing succulents as her new hobby after being diagnosed with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) aka Lupus. Life can be quite tough needing to live with various issues in life (in our founder’s case, it was this disease) — this is where succulents come in.

“We believe that there’s power in connecting with nature and that plants can heal souls — giving us essential messages that we often miss out in our daily lives.”
— Yee Zhing, Founder of LES

Succulents are strong beings; they strive to keep themselves alive even if they were to be left with their last leaf. The same goes for a leaf that somehow got isolated from its mother plant - to keep the next generation alive, it’ll grow new leaves and sustain them with all the nutrients they need, while it goes through a time of drying out - a great model of unconditional love. How much different would our world be today, if men were to treat each other in such a way?

We also wish to create public awareness on despite how hard we’re striving for the many goals in life, it is essential for us to take care of ourselves, both physically and mentally.

Giving is an art of life. Receive triple happiness while shopping for terrariums here:
1. Happiness for your loved ones by giving a living green to them
2. Happiness for yourself while seeing your loved ones delighted
3. Happiness to those who are in need of something special and inspiring in their lives

Click here to find out more!